Archive of Photographs of Faculty, Staff and Students of IIT Madras
To view a photograph construct the URL with the example syntax as given below.
If you notice any mismatched photographs, you can name the correct photograph as ROLLNO.JPG (roll number in caps for students) or EMPID.JPG (6 digit employee id for faculty and staff) and e-mail it to from your smail or iitm official email account.
- Mapping of ADS login names with the 6 digit employee ID is given in the csv file here. Any discrepancies can be brought to the notice of eservices.
- If a login name not listed in the above mentioned csv file is given, the script bylogin.php will return wrong syntax image.
- If a roll number not following the pattern AA00A000 is given, the script byroll.php will return wrong syntax image.
- If an employee ID is given not following the six digit pattern, the script byid.php will return wrong syntax image.
- All scripts will return No Photo Available image when the argument is ok but the file is not available.
- You can reach computer centre help desk @ 22575999 for any issues with this site.